Smoker’s Flu: The Good and Bad of Quitting Smoking

If you're trying to quit smoking, congratulations on taking the first step towards a healthier life! However, be prepared to meet an unwelcome companion on your journey - Smoker's Flu . This annoying condition can make you feel miserable, but don't worry, it's a sign that your body is healing from the damage caused by smoking. What is Smoker's Flu? Smoker's Flu, also known as Nicotine Flu, is a group of flu-like symptoms that people experience when they quit smoking. It's a common withdrawal symptom that can make you feel like you're coming down with the flu. Smoker's Flu Symptoms: What to Expect? When you quit smoking , smoker’s flu is the most common withdrawal symptoms. Smoker’s flu shows certain symptoms. Here are some common Smoker's Flu symptoms: Headaches and Fatigue Headaches can range from mild to severe and can be accompanied by fatigue, which can make it difficult to concentrate and perform daily tasks. These symptoms occur because y...